Finally it seems like we’re making it to the other side of this pandemic and it couldn’t come soon enough. Its been a real shit show, especially this last lockdown. Been tough watching the world getting back to normal while we just go into deeper and deeper lockdowns. The situation here has not been the best, with more cases every day and the recent protests making it worse. Why can’t people just go and isolate, get their shots and wait this out like the rest of us? Like, really, just do your part so we can all get through it all quicker.
On the other hand, uni’s been nuts. Midsems were tough, was absolutely wacked after them. Plus there’s various assignments at the moment that are adding to the fun. At least the semester is nearly over though. Consulting club is fun, doing a bunch for that too. Its amazing to see how you adjust to increased workloads. Still not too sure how I’m dealing with it all, can’t say this is the most enjoyable semester though.
Still looking forward to opening up, should be soon. Can’t wait to bo back to seeing people, been a massive downer this whole lockdown thing. Definitely not what everyone says you should be doing at 22. Plus, I could end up heading to Sydney for my internship. It’s looking like the opening plan could let me just slip through. Really hoping that happens, seems like it would be fun to live over there for summer. Still haven’t gotten any confirmation, but should come soon, and as plans are coming out let hope its good news.